CEFPI Foundation and Charitable Trust
Foundation &
Charitable Trust



The CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization established to create and build resources to foster research and scholarly study regarding the impact of school facilities on student achievement and the communities they serve. The CEFPI Foundation endeavors to add to and improve the body of knowledge relating to learning environments and best practices of educational facility planning. The CEFPI Foundation & Charitable trust also funds projects such as the Dale Scheideman Merit Scholarship Program, School Building Week and the Paragon Schoolhouse Project.


  • Build the endowment
  • Research and investigations
  • Projects and programs
  • Promotion and branding
  • Board evolution

Create and build resources to promote high performance learning environments.

Seek out, identify and foster research, projects and other works that impact the environment where students learn and improve the body of knowledge through stewardship of an endowment of funds and services.

2007 Request for Research Proposals
The CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust invites research proposals dealing with issues concerning "Where Children Learn™".

Dale Scheideman Merit
Scholarship Program

In honor of Dale Scheideman, chair, the CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust and member of the CEFPI Board of Directors, the CEFPI Foundation has created the Dale Scheideman Merit Scholarship program, which will replace the current Distinguished Merit Scholarship program. Given Dale's commitment to planning and designing school buildings that help children learn, what better way to honor his memory than to provide financial support for the education of future educational facility planners and inspire them with his vision.

The CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust

cefpi foundation & charitable trust
1180 West Desert Drive, Suite 14, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, Tel: 602-555-0108, Fax: 602-555-0192, www.cefpifoundation.org