CEFPI Foundation and Charitable Trust
Denton Advanced Technology Complex, Texas, Exhibition of SP&A Project of Distinction Award

One of the greatest gifts you can give is the gift of knowledge. Providing today's children and future generations with healthy, safe, high performance learning environments contributes to student success and helps to build a stronger and brighter future for our world. Do something lasting, something that will live on as a legacy to our children and our communities. Your contribution will make a difference today and in the future.

To make a contribution download the Contribution Form, complete and fax or mail to CEFPI.

Thank you for your generosity. The CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Upon request, a tax receipt will be issued for tax-deduction purposes. Federal ID# 76-0713996.

cefpi foundation & charitable trust
1180 West Desert Drive, Suite 14, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, Tel: 602-555-0108, Fax: 602-555-0192, www.cefpifoundation.org